Pin Oak Rehab – North Marcum Beach – New Precast (premanufactured) CXT Toilet Building with outdoor showers. Rend Lake Rehab Maintenance Contract – W912P920F0333 -#5

Pin Oak Rehab – North Marcum Beach – New Precast (premanufactured) CXT Toilet Building with outdoor showers. Rend Lake Rehab Maintenance Contract – W912P920F0333 -#5

Location: Rend Lake – Benton, Illinois

Owner: United States Army Corp of Engineers (USACE) – Rend Lake

Furnish and install a new precast (pre-manufactured) CXT Toilet Building with exterior showers. Work also included the installation of new utilities such as water, sewer and electricity to connect to the new building. Also included the demolition of the existing shower house, excavation, and site preparation for the new building, concrete sidewalks, crane for setting building, etc.

Construction, Engineering